This workshop is part of a research project to substantially increase the availability of free training and education to support the safe implementation and utilization of sUAS used for public safety operations. These proceedings for this workshop are an integral part of this overall research project. The objective of the workshop is to review the baseline content, materials and outline of a training curriculum developed for this project. The use of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) within public safety departments has rapidly expanded as their capabilities to assist in saving lives are realized. These systems (i.e., sUASs) are also commonly referred to as drones or aerial robotics. As sUAS’s safety policies and standards continue to evolve, many public safety departments (Fire, Police, EMS)in the U.S. and elsewhere are without the proper information, knowledge, and experience needed to establish and maintain a compliant, legal public safety program. This workshop is part of an effort to address these needs for the first responder community. This topic directly relates to the activities addressed by several key documents. These are influential in this arena and anticipated to continue addressing this subject area. This includes: • NFPA 2400, Standard for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Used for Public Safety Operations; • ASTM F3379-20, Standard Guide for Training for Public Safety Remote Pilot of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Endorsement; and • ANSI Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 2.0, Chapter 9. This research project is utilizing the definition of small UAS as defined in NFPA 2400 (2019 edition, section 1.3.2 and A.1.3.2). This indicates a small UAS to be an unmanned aircraft weighing less than 25 kg (55 lbs) on takeoff, including everything onboard or otherwise attached. The workshop reviewed the proposed methodologies, identified perceived gaps, prioritized actionable needs, and generated recommended enhancements. This includes identifying and reviewing other issues related to implementing a compliant UAS program in public safety organizations.
NFPA Public Safety Drone Guide Online Training Course